Tuesday, January 25, 2022

 Creative Prompts

LeAura, at iCreateDaily.com, sends emails out most everyday to help us deal with our emotions through creating. It could be in any medium. You could also find her on Facebook and join her group of lively creators. Believe me, you will learn something about yourself and be a better person for it.

One such prompt is about enjoying the simple things. Ah, the simple things! We often take these for granted.  

Right now, I'm thinking about the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz. There's a part where the film moves into vivid color from the very bland sepia tone. Maybe you've seen this part and thought it was interesting and a great segway for Dorothy to move from the brownish dustbowl of Kansas into the promising glories of Oz. This moment in movie history has represented more than one "eye opening" event in my own life. 

We may take for granted one of the most basic of senses we have: our sight. So when my eyes developed cataracts, I started living in a sepia tone world which grew more obscure with each day. It was actually, for me very debilitating as a reading teacher. I had to teach with the fluorescent lights off as they were like high beam headlights in a dense fog, creating a brilliant bounce back glare. Those of you who have experienced cataracts and the surgeries, understand this scene from The Wizard of Oz. 

So, let's take this to our current world situation. COVID!

I'm recovering from my second round of Covid 19. The first time was April, 2020, while visiting Las Cruces, New Mexico. Both my husband and I were very sick for a few days. But it was easy to quarantine living in the van as we do. We found a quiet spot in Pie Town, a few hours north of Las Cruces, and waited it out. We never got bad, and after a time, we were back on the road. But this second round of Covid was pretty bad. 

Now in Georgia visiting family for the holidays, I found myself in the ER having allowed myself to get dehydrated. After a few hours in ER, I was released, having tested positive with Covid. I was told to treat the symptoms. However, I found myself admitted to the hospital for three days because I developed covid pneumonia and my oxygen levels were low. I was given oxygen, steroids, and blood thinners, and great care. I was never in any real danger and was released when my oxygen levels remained high. After twenty days in quarantine, I was finally able to visit with my family. Now, at day 25 since showing symptoms, my husband and I were walking out the door. My husband had a huge reaction to the skunk he smelled that must have been close by. In fact, he said that it must have been in the yard. I smelled nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. I took in a deep breath. Nope. I had no smell. This explains why my tastes have been so strange. I hate olives. But they came in a salad I ordered, ate a few, and decided that I like them. 

Since we are able to move again, we decided to hang out in Florida to recuperate some as my fatigue is not allowing me to do much. It was rainy and cold so we had to hang out in the van most of the time. That's fine with me because I really enjoy the mornings when my husband brews coffee on the single burner stove. Percolating coffee. What a lovely aroma brewed coffee offers in our tiny home. But not these cold mornings. What!?!? I can't enjoy the coziness of a hot cup of coffee while sitting in the warm bed?

So, now I'm thinking of the scene from The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy opens the door and steps into a world in which I'm so familiar and find myself longing for. The sense of smell. When will I once again be able to enjoy the simple pleasure of brewed coffee? 

Fresh brewed coffee in the morning is extremely cozy any day!

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 Creative Prompts LeAura, at iCreateDaily.com, sends emails out most everyday to help us deal with our emotions through creating. It could b...